If magic lamps with genies were real and you had three wishes, wouldn’t you use your first wish to override the three-rule limit? Similarly, wouldn’t you wish to be a king-maker rather than just a king? The former, obviously.
For a king-maker is actually a “king of kings” as no king can rule apart from the king-maker’s will.

From the article: Color Revolutions: The Most Sophisticated Means Of Warfare – Analysis we learn that for several decades now, “the CIA has overthrown or attempted to overthrow over 50 governments, although it has admitted only 7 cases. Color revolutions are an integral part of US foreign policy that seeks regime change in hostile countries.”
Darren Beattie, Editor of Revolver.news and former Trump speech writer predicted the 2020 US Election would be a Colour Revolution perpetrated by the CIA against its own people back in September 2020.

“In our previous report … Revolver News drew attention to the ominous similarities between the strategies and tactics the United States government employs in so-called “Color Revolutions” and the coordinated efforts of government bureaucrats, NGOs, and the media to oust President Trump.
This follow-up report will focus specifically on how the “contested election scenario” we are hearing so much about plays into the Color Revolution framework — indeed, sowing doubt about the democratic legitimacy of the target and coupling it with calls for massive “mostly peaceful” demonstrations comes straight out of the Color Revolution playbook. And this is precisely the messaging we’ve seen from by those same key players in media, government, and the Democrat Party machine, most prominently from a shadowy George Soros-linked group known as the Transition Integrity Project — more about them soon. …
It would be disturbing enough to note a coordinated effort to use these exact same strategies and tactics domestically to undermine or overthrow President Trump. The ominous nature of what we see unfolding before us only truly hits home when one realizes that the people who specialize in these Color Revolution regime change operations overseas are, literally, the very same people attempting to overthrow Trump by using the very same playbook. Given that the most famous Color Revolution was the “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine, and that Black Lives Matter is being used as a key component of the domestic Color Revolution against Trump, we can encapsulate our thesis at Revolver with the simple remark that “Black is the New Orange.”
Beattie went on to outline the plans of the Transition Integrity Project’s (TIP’s) “’War Game’ scenario suggesting that Trump won’t concede the election.” He wrote: “despite severe problems with mail in voting, any effort by the Justice Department to ensure the integrity of a mass mail-in system will be interpreted in advance as part of an authoritarian coup on the part of Trump. In other words, if Trump takes any reasonable measures to prevent the Color Revolution coup against him, he will automatically be acting in an authoritarian manner justifying said Color Revolution against him. Funny how that works, isn’t it?”
Also, “One does not ‘vote out’ an authoritarian regime, or they are not authoritarian. Dictatorships are only overthrown, and Bouie’s statement is an explicit call to do exactly that. The actually-peaceful process of voting must be supplemented–or supplanted–with “mostly peaceful protests” if the result isn’t correct.”
Well, as you’ll recall, the 2020 election saw numerous, COVID-induced election rule changes, allowing for mass mail-in ballots, weak signature verification rules,
the simultaneous late-night counting stop in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta, and the bullying or removal of Republican poll watchers during the final stages of mail-in vote counting.

The TIP had predicted the result: a Republican red mirage (Trump appears to be winning the 2020 election) followed by vote counting that eventually sees Biden overtake Trump and seize the White House. They also had a contingency plan – plant agents’ provocateur among Trump supporters at the Capitol protest on January 6 2021, remove barricades, open the doors, usher them in and use this as grounds for impeachment and labelling Trump supports as insurrectionists.
The TIP planned it, Beattie warned about it, but it all still happened. The king-maker installed Biden into the White House. That was the beginning of four tumultuous years for Americans – and the West! Unchecked immigration, inflation, homelessness, soaring national debt, cost of living crises, restrictions on free speech and a justice system weaponised against conservatives.
I wrote extensively on the Big Steal since it occurred in late 2020. However, I don’t want to prosecute that all again. I will, however, leave some links here to some of the best evidence I found for industrial scale election fraud.
In Black Box, I want to commend to you Dr Douglas Franks – a real hero and a brilliant inventor. Watch his video to understand how the election software was used to manipulate the results.
I also want to commend to you Professor David Clements. He is another hero who has sacrificed much for the truth. He produced a very thorough documentary that includes a great summary of how the steal occurred (minus Dr. Franks’ work). It can be streamed for free from FrankSpeech by hitting Purchase and accessing the FREE stream. Simply add your details (no risk) and watch.

Fast-forward four years. 2024 Election.
What just happened?
The Election Industrial Complex, explained in Let me Count the Ways, was still operating.
However, several major components appeared to malfunction:

- The Censorship Industrial Complex was exposed through Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and the Twitter files analysis. This Gateway Pundit article provides more details on this, featuring Michael Shellenberger’s report on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government.
Mike Benz joined Tucker Carlson to discuss The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy. If you’ve not seen this before, please watch. Mike Benz is a world expert on this topic. - The Media Industrial Complex (Hollywood, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times etc.) has lost its influence. Ongoing deception has caused many to ignore cinemas and switch to independent media outlets.
- Weaponised lawfare aimed at promoting mail-in ballots and weakening signature verification was not as successful in 2024.
These three Industrial Complexes, these centres of enormous power undoubtedly helped to deliver the 2020 election for Biden. Are they now broken beyond repair? Is that why Trump won in 2024? Or is there a bigger reason?
Before attempting to answer that question, some data and a little analysis.
On the day after the Election (Nov 6), the following graph by Zero Hedge went viral.

It attempted to ridicule the 2020 election results where Biden received 15 Million more votes than Obama in his prime.

Other wild statistical anomalies abounded.
In 2024, for the first time in 20 years, a Republican won the popular vote.
However, as counting continues for over one month past the election in some states, Trump’s lead is continually eroded. In California, for example, Democrats have finally won races in very red districts like Orange County.
This article by Joe Hoft describes the outcome: 2024 STEAL CA: Conservative Orange County Sends 5 Democrats and Only 1 Republican to US House. He wrote:
“This election back on November 8 there was a call for help coming out of Orange County by a member of the GOP. Counting was going on at the facility in Santa Ana and the GOP needed observers to help oversee the counting.
The very next day, on Friday night it was reported that a bomb threat occurred at the counting center. We then heard that white vans showed up at the center at the time the facility was shut down. We also learned that the livestream was cut when the workers and observers were removed from the facility. It was also unclear where the workers were sent. Initial reports stated that only the observers were removed from the building and not the workers.”
Charlie Kirk posted the following on Nov 24.
The election was later called for the Democrat Derek Tran.
The Gateway Pundit just released this story:
HUGE Ballot Discrepancies Uncovered in Orange County, CA that Could Affect the Results in Multiple US House Seats
Here is some of the evidence of concern:

“The total number of votes for President when adding up the votes for all the candidates in the 2024 race in Orange County was only 1,391,307 votes. This is 26,090 votes short of the number of ballots counted in the election. Where did these additional votes go?
Also, although tremendously unpopular in California, somehow Kamala Harris received more votes for President than President Trump in conservative Orange County, California. …
Orange County also provides information on the number of individuals eligible to vote and active (having voted in the most recent elections). This report (below) shows 1,901,528 active voters in the county.
This is 40,078 voters more than the number of registered voters reported by the county in the reports above (1,861,450).”
Again, more anomalies. This is a developing story but I must leave it here.
This Allsides article have poured cold water on the Zero Hedge Nov 6 graph with the following updated graph:
There is no doubt that Trump won the White House, the Senate, the House and the Popular Vote. However, the longer counting continues, the smaller the gap in each. The margins in both the Senate and the House are now very slim, meaning that it will take only a few defectors (RINOS) to scuttle controversial Bills, meaning that Trump may struggle to dismantle the Administrative State, as he promised to do.
Can anyone guess which states have not yet finished counting their ballots and where Democrats are bucking the trend towards Trump and winning close races?

In response to this 30 second video on Newsmax, Elon Musk posted a signature ironic message.
So, how did Trump win if the king-maker was so successful in 2020?
There is no doubt, Republicans improved their ground-game, registered more potential voters and banked more early votes. Also, the efforts of Republican lawyers helped to tighten restrictions on mail-in ballots and signature verification. There is no doubt that this impacted the number of Mail-in ballots submitted in 2024.
The Trump Campaign did a lot of things right and were relying on a huge turnout to overcome any fraud anticipated. As I wrote in Let Me Count the Ways:
“President Trump’s team made a decision early on to ignore the corruption, broken system, and the crimes embedded in the 2020 election and overcome these barriers with a flood of ballots in the 2024 election. This strategy is known as ‘Too Big to Rig’.”
Was that a good idea? Perhaps.
However, I believe there was a larger, more significant reason for the Trump win. Something EVEN BIGGER than Too Big to Rig. In the article Let Me Count the Ways I also wrote:
“The USA and the world is at a cross-roads. There are two possible paths forward. One provides a brief respite from the madness and evil that has pervaded society. The other is more of the same; only on steroids. …
It’s time to pray. Will God be merciful and intervene again and stop the Election Industrial Complex from stealing the 2024 election?”
So, what happened? Please watch the first 5 minutes of this video featuring Jack Hibbs, pastor of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills.
I totally agree with Jack Hibbs’ views on the 2024 US Election.

“I believe that God heard the prayer of the remnant of His people. … I actually felt that it would be right for God to give us Kamala Harris because we deserve that, because we’ve treated God so terribly as a nation … but God heard the cry of His people. He spared us by giving us, yes, Trump’s imperfect. So am I. … God raises up kings and He takes kings down.
This overwhelming victory for Donald Trump has more to do with God being merciful than Donald Trump.”
Pastor Jack Hibbs
And what should we make of the King-maker; the Election Industrial Complex (EIC)? In my opinion significant changes are likely already being planned (just like what happened after the 2016 election). The head of the EIC (whoever that may be) will remove / replace malfunctioning elements e.g. Big Tech, Big Media & Entertainment and Weaponised Justice and come back bigger and uglier in the future, IMO. Watch this space.
What will Australia learn from this?
Will we repent? Will we humble ourselves and call upon God for His mercy?
One day, the King-Maker will need to face the music and discover that

there is only one King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
But, before that happens …..
To be continued.