One of the loudest arguments levelled against religions today is that of condoning primitive beliefs and practices required to appease a god or simply to obey a religious duty. Many of those primitive beliefs are now considered barbaric.

We are civilised today.
We have progressed.
The barbarism of the past is a blight on human history that must be expunged. Religious bigotry must not despoil our modern sensibilities!
One commonly cited example of this pertains to women teaching men in a church context. Conservative Christians believe it is unbiblical; inconsistent with the teachings of the apostle Paul. Progressives disagree, labelling the action as simply old-fashioned, sexist or misogynistic.
However, far more egregious practices than this litter our collective religious history. Not simply controversial or perhaps insulting, some are best described as heinous and sickening. One such set of practices belongs to ancient people groups including the Canaanites and more recently, the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs. In each case, blood was shed to appease a deity.
This article states: “throughout antiquity, sacrifice was used in times of great strife. ‘But one cult stands out from the rest for its brutality: the cult of Moloch, the alleged Canaanite god of child sacrifice.’
Medieval French Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, otherwise known as Rashi, wrote … in the 12th century.
‘Topheth is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt;

when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.’”
“In modern minds, the term ‘human sacrifice’ conjures up macabre satanic rituals performed by bloodthirsty barbarians.
In the ancient Americas, however, cultures now considered to be highly influential and civilized saw human sacrifice as a necessary part of everyday life. Whether it was to appease the gods or ensure success in battle and agriculture, for the following peoples, the lines between sacrifice and simple survival were often blurred.”
The Mayans are … believed to be the first American culture to incorporate human sacrifice into daily life.
Blood was viewed as an incomparable source of nourishment for Mayan deities. In a time before scientific understanding, human blood became the ultimate offering and was kept flowing to protect their daily way of life.
The most common methods were decapitation and heart removal, neither of which would occur until the victim had been thoroughly tortured.
Heart-removal ceremonies took place in the courtyard of temples or at the summit of one and were considered the highest honor. The person to be sacrificed was often painted blue and adorned with a ceremonial headdress while being held down by four attendants.
A sacrificial knife was then used to cut into the victim’s chest, at which point a priest would pull out the heart and then show it to the surrounding crowd. After passing the heart to a priest known as the Chilan, blood would be smeared onto the image of a god and the lifeless body would be thrown down the pyramid steps. The sacrificed person’s hands and feet were left alone but the rest of their skin was worn by the Chilan as he performed a ritual dance of rebirth.
Decapitations were equally ceremonial, with a high importance again placed on the swift flow of blood down the temple steps.”

According to this article: “The Inca Empire was the largest in pre-Columbian America, stretching through what is now modern-day Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, western and south-central Bolivia, northwest Argentina, and into northern and central Chile.
Partially because of this vast size, it was plagued by a variety of natural disasters — everything from volcanic eruptions to earthquakes and massive floods.
The Incas resorted to the practice of human sacrifice as a way to prevent, recover and cope with these regularly occurring upheavals. The Incas are most known for their sacrifice of children.”
Also: “For the Aztecs, even the sun god required a constant flow of human blood in order to exist.
Sacrifices for the Aztecs were detailed rituals but perhaps what makes them truly stand out is the scale in which they were conducted. During the reign of their empire, it’s estimated that an average of 200,000 people were sacrificed a year.
A common sacrificial technique included pulling a still beating heart out of a victim’s chest and showing it to them in their last moments of consciousness.

The Aztecs would bring large groups of children to Tlaloc’s temple, where they were forced to solemnly and ceremonially parade up the steps.
If the children did not weep, they would be forced to do so by any means of psychological and physical torture necessary. To the Aztecs, the tears shed by these children on the way to their untimely deaths was the only way to ensure rain during the oncoming dry seasons.”
A significant aspect of these cultures can be summarised as follows:
While considered as highly influential and civilized people groups, they saw human sacrifice as necessary and incorporated it into daily life.
Why was human blood “kept flowing to protect their daily way of life?” How was this barbarism normalised? Was it because it was a “time before scientific understanding”? Or is there a deeper, darker reason?
Whether their scientific ignorance could be used as an excuse or not, I trust you would agree with me that those ancient peoples were far from being civilised. They were barbaric; evil, perhaps even demonic.
Society has seen significant progress since the 16th century. Much of this has occurred in the recent past with the abolition of slavery, the women’s vote and significant civil rights reforms, virtually eliminating racism in most Western nations.
But, in relation to religious practice, what’s the biggest difference between 1524 Aztecs and 2024 Aussies?
500 years.
The practice of abortion was decriminalised in Queensland in 2018, bringing it into alignment with other Australian states. Australian women claimed bodily autonomy as other women have done all over the world. Abortion is a woman’s reproductive right. It’s a prime example of progressive politics and bodily autonomy. “This is my body” is a common cry. But who’s body? The key question is: what is abortion, really?
The Live Action group interviewed several people, seeking to answer this specific question. Everyone interviewed initially claimed to be “Pro-Choice.” Here is a brief video that begins with these interviews.
Each person was then shown a brief medical video. What they saw had a profound effect on their views.
Just what did they see? Please take your pick from this web-site. Watch one – or watch them all.
WARNING. Parental Guidance is recommended.
1st Trimester Abortion | The Abortion Pill | What Is Abortion?
1st Trimester Abortion | Suction Dilation and Curettage (D&C) | What Is Abortion?
2nd Trimester Abortion | Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) | What Is Abortion?
3rd Trimester Late-Term Abortion | Induction Abortion | What Is Abortion?
Pro-Choice; but a choice of what?
Is it simply a choice between having a baby and not? The previous section of this article argues persuasively, that a foetus is not just a mass of cells. It is a human being in the making, created in the image of God. The choice is between allowing a human to live and not. But again, let’s go deeper.
In this video, a trio of former abortion providers speak about their previous thoughts regarding the pre-born and the women seeking abortions. Their answers are amazing, if not chilling.

Three questions in this video that should be explored further:
- (0:50) “Did I know they were human beings? Absolutely. I didn’t care.”
Why? - (2:45) “Somehow, there’s this darkness that clouds your mind.”
What is this “darkness”? - (4:40) “Superimposed on that [insensitivity caused by greed], a switch that puts those scales on. … Dr. Jekyll switches to Mr. Hyde and I kill the baby.”
What drives the “switch”?
The black male abortionist answers these questions at the 5:30 min mark.
Now, this next video provides even further detail regarding the power that underpins the darkness.

It features a former New Ager, a former LGBTQ+ member and a former Blood Witch. They each explain what they did in their former lives and how they escaped.
(3:50) “I was a blood witch. … I was obsessed with blood. I was doing witchcraft and magic and spells with blood daily.”
(6:30) ”There’s a demonic revelation, a counterfeit revelation of the blood in the New Age … which is based around womb magic. … A woman’s womb creates life, it’s a portal, and therefore, there is power in that. … I used blood to open a portal to the demonic realm.”
(11:20) “My first official blood sacrifice to the devil was an abortion.
(12:30) “Witchcraft works and sin feels good, but you’ll pay for it with your soul.”
(14:40) “How we came out.”
So, let’s recap. We are told that today, society is progressive and civilised because Women’s Reproductive Rights and bodily autonomy are both supported. ” … [modern] cultures now considered to be highly influential and civilized saw [still see] human sacrifice as a necessary part of everyday life.” When the Biblical God is forgotten, then unbridled sex is encouraged, leading to unwanted pregnancy. And when convenience trumps the sanctity of life, abortion becomes a necessary part of everyday life.
But as we’ve learnt, abortion is no different to the barbaric practices of the Canaanites and Aztecs. Abortion may be considered “progressive,” but it is nonetheless demonic.
The film The 1916 Project is an excellent documentary that explains the demonic roots of Abortion. It provides evidence that links the beliefs and writings of theosophists and eugenicists to Margaret Sanger – founder of Planned Parenthood – and goes on to connect these directly to Hitler’s holocaust. Watch it for free on X while it’s still there. Please pass it on to your Pro-Choice friends.
Finally, from this article, we learn that abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2023.
“Abortion has topped several infectious diseases as the world’s leading cause of death for at least the fifth year in a row. …
More than 44.6 million abortions were performed worldwide in 2023.

The … number of abortions performed last year exceeds the combined number of casualties caused by the other leading causes of death listed.
The second leading cause of death worldwide, communicable diseases, took the lives of over 12.9 million people last year. Cancer was attributed to more than 8.2 million deaths, while smoking contributed to the deaths of over 4.9 million people.”
False Gospel
So, if we reconsider the opening line of this article, we are now confronted with the fact that a Pro-Choice belief has all the trappings of a religion, even a cult that not just condones, but celebrates primitive beliefs and practices. Worse yet, the god of this cult does not require appeasement; he desires to mock the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. “This is my body” said Jesus before he offered it to God the Father for our salvation.

The same words “This is my body” are quoted by over 40 million women each year as they offer up their children (either wittingly, or unwittingly) as a blood sacrifice to Satan.
Therefore, a Pro-Choice position essentially rejects the true gospel and embraces a false gospel; one where a person takes on the role of High Priest, sacrificing an innocent life to Satan. The purpose? To mock God and to demonically entrap those involved in abortion.
Whether you believe that Jesus really was the Son of God and died for our sins is immaterial. Being Pro-choice is no different to being an Aztec, an Incan or a Canaanite. It’s Satan-worship.
My hope, my prayer is that enough people will realise what abortion really is and by doing so, give politicians the courage required to pass laws that protect the unborn.
If you have undergone an abortion, forgiveness available through the saving work of Jesus.