What is Truth?

We live in a “post-truth” era.  Just like a person’s sex, some claim that “Truthiness,” a non-binary version of the truth, is a thing.

Previous articles on this topic, including What is dis, mis? and Dis-mis-d introduced new terms designed to deceive and confuse and warned of the information and psychological warfare tactics being used by the government. Net result – a suppression of truth.

Weak political leaders like Pilate, believed they had a monopoly on truth and hence, dismissed alternative views. IMO, many simply crave control.

What is truth?

Pilate to Jesus – John 18:38

This current article includes several evolving analyses of a recent “near miss” incident.  Although it may not uncover the truth regarding this incident (now), it provides a clear path towards discovering the truth in a broader sense, in the future. 

If you truly consider the evidence provided in this article, you are likely to experience some level of disgust.  If you are not already engaged in a battle for truth, it will hopefully help to make that happen.  This is arguably, the battle of our lifetime – retaining our ability to defend truth in the public square.  Without this fundamental right, we are headed towards Orwell’s Animal Farm.

And for this reason I promise to tell:

Government’s / Media’s Role

Government institutions and the media are supposed to work together to give people the freedom and information that helps them to navigate their way through life.

Threat Assessment

Information that is clear and concise is critical. An accurate assessment of threats is an important starting point for decision-making.

Domestic Terrorism

Sep 2022

As discussed in Eating Kenny’s Pudding, Joe Biden completed a State of the Nation address in front of an eerie red backdrop, claiming that

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic”

and spoke “about the power we have in our own hands to meet these threats.”

Nov 2022

In its report: Summary of Terrorism Threat to the United States, the Department of Homeland Security wrote:

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment.  Lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland.”

** Within the last few days, British and Australian political leaders began using similar language. **

Dec 2022

“According to the US Department of Defense Psychological Operations Manual of 2010 …

the DoD can become involved in psyops operations against civilian citizens during times of crisis management.”

The manual states:

“When authorized, PSYOP forces may be used domestically to assist lead federal agencies during disaster relief and crisis management by informing the domestic population.’”

Let that sink in.

If there is indeed a PSYOP taking place, which people demographic would you say is being targeted?

From 2021 through 2024, the Biden administration and legacy media continued to claim (citing but a few of the hundreds of examples below) that:

Trump and ‘MAGA Republican extremists’ threaten US democracy

We’ll hunt you‘: Trump, MAGA supporters’ violent rhetoric isn’t a glitch. It’s a feature.

The Government Isn’t Ready for the Violence Trump Might Unleash

Opinion: The lasting threat is not the ‘next Trump,’ but the MAGA base

But, in case we all forgot, this really began in 2016.

Here are but 2 of 12,000 tweets calling for Trump’s assassination.

How would such vile thoughts develop?

This 11 minute video includes some of the hundreds of examples of anti-Trump rhetoric spewed by Democrat politicians, celebrities and legacy media since 2016.

Should this simply be written off as political banter?

One can only imagine how this constant fear-mongering could play on the minds of the mentally disturbed.  What could possibly go wrong?

Zoomatic vs iPhone

On November 22, 1963 Abraham Zapruder’s 8mm film provided the only evidence the FBI had on JFK’s assassination.  True Crime writer and investigator, John Leake writes in his July 16th article Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination:

“The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is the first time a would-be assassin has shot at a U.S. president or presidential candidate since John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. As such, it is the first assassination attempt in our era in which most citizens are carrying cell phones equipped with video cameras.

Instead of one ‘Zapruder film,’ [above, top left] we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles.  Instead of depending on the mainstream media for reporting, we now have hundreds of citizen documentarians who can capture footage and rapidly upload it to the internet.”

The following table compares and contrasts the Nov 1963 JFK and July 2024 DJT events.

Citizen journalists have uploaded a plethora of videos and images describing the event; sights, sounds, maps, bullet trajectories, reconstructions and opinions of hundreds of on-lookers from every conceivable angle.

El Guapo
The Three Amigos

This is much to the chagrin of the FBI which is investigating the incident.  They are keeping strangely quiet.

And Google is trying hard to help.

Conspiracy theories abound when bureaucrats and oligarchs try to memory-hole something that everyone knows happened.

That’s why you shouldn’t

“Google it,” but “Duck it.”

Trying to hide the assassination attempt on Google is asinine.  But it doesn’t stop there.

The FBI claimed that Crooks allegedly ran an “Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Semitic” social media account, indicating that a MAGA terrorist tried to assassinate the MAGA President. Huh!

GAB founder, Andrew Torba refuted this claim with the FBI’s own evidence.

The US Secret Service deleted the following email from one of its counter-snipers who is disgusted over J13.

He warned: “we all SHOULD expect another assassination attempt before November” due to poor leadership.

By DELETING the email, did USSS leaders think they could make this disappear?

And then some media claimed that the assassination attempt was a set-up, a hoax – simply to bolster Trump’s popularity.

Corey Comperatore died and several received serious injuries.

Try not to throw up in your mouth, please.

Trump’s speech writers began using the line “I [Trump] took a bullet for democracy.”  

So, what did the FBI do in response? Director Christoper Wray floated the theory that it may have been shrapnel. 

Physicians set the record straight and the FBI Deputy Director schooled his boss.

But not before the mockingbird media chimed in.


Finally …

The FBI did issue an update on progress into their investigation:

“The FBI claims it is no further along in developing a coherent motive for the attack. They were clear that their goal, in their investigation, ‘was not to determine fault’ for the shooting but merely to detail and document the evidence, and also investigate the motive of the shooter. Even though the Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned last Tuesday for what she termed before Congress as a ‘colossal failure’, the FBI said they are not looking into assessing multiple major security failures with the Trump rally.”

The FBI are being very slow and deliberate about their investigation, except for their determination that “the shooter acted alone.”

It took the FBI less than 24 hours to come to that conclusion!

Don’t forget, this is the same FBI that:

  • spied on Trump during the Russia Collusion hoax;
  • hid Hunter Biden’s laptop from the public in 2020;
  • couldn’t find the January 6 “pipe-bomber;” and
  • planted an undisclosed number of agents provocateur within the January 6 crowd, inciting activists to storm the Capitol.

Ex-FBI honcho McCabe says intel community members scared of being jailed by Trump, may flee country.  Why so fearful of Trump regaining the Oval Office? Is there something the public should know?

The bigger question is: can they be trusted to conduct an unbiased investigation into the J13 assassination attempt?  A whistleblower report into the politicisation of the FBI says “No.” 

What is known

According to the official narrative, Crooks did the following all by himself without an insider’s help:

  • Flew a drone over the Pennsylvania fairgrounds and got aerial footage of the rally layout on the day of the event – including 2 hours before Trump took the stage.
  • Got a range finder through security.
  • Evaded law enforcement officers from several different state, local and federal agencies.
  • Parked a vehicle full of explosives near the Trump rally.
  • Walked around the premises after snipers took a photo of him looking suspicious.
  • Somehow ‘climbed’ up on a roof with his rifle 450 feet away from Trump, bear crawled to the perfect vantage point as bystanders alerted police and was still able to take 8 shots at Trump.

However, what is most disturbing is the following collection of facts:


A recently-released video from behind the Bulter PA stage where Donald Trump was speaking, just three minutes before the first shot, clearly shows someone moving across the roof.

The aerial view below (courtesy of ARNGRIMR) shows the approximate path and distance taken by the shooter. Both Sniper Teams 1 and 2 (US Secret Service) would have seen him move.

Why did they choose not to shoot him immediately?

It’s been reported that the Secret Service did not know Crooks had a gun at the time (perhaps there was a problem with the comms?).

But whatever happened to “Shoot first; ask questions later;” especially with the former President on the stage?

Even if they missed the opportunity to shoot then, one would assume they would have waved Donald Trump off the stage.

The one thing this diagram does explain is that Sniper Teams 1 and 2 did not engage the shooter until he discharged 8 bullets and moved from the cover of the large tree. So what was their mission? Protect or clean up? (Sorry, that’s a conspiracy theory).

Sniper Snafu

The previous video begins with the specific assignment provided to the Beaver County sniper team. “Beaver County officials told Fox News that the Secret Service told a local sniper team to set up on ground level looking into the Butler, Pennsylvania crowd as opposed to on top of the warehouse roof.”

They provided an image of the view from their ground floor window (below right).

Yet, “the Gateway Pundit can exclusively reveal that the police [snipers] who took the photo of Crooks were those in the second floor of the AGR Building.”

Additionally, in this same article, rally participant Greg Smith claims that he:

“could see the sniper team on the second floor. Smith could also see that the second floor sniper team was watching Crooks for a half hour prior to the shooting, doing nothing.”

Was this a different sniper team or the same Beaver County sniper team, moving between the first and second floor?

From this CNN article, we learn that it’s likely the latter:

“‘Both ESU officers moved within the building, attempting to keep eyes on Crooks,’ Goldinger said in a statement. ‘One of the officers observed Crooks sitting on a picnic table at the front of the building from his location on the second floor of the building. Crooks then ran off, carrying a backpack.’

‘At this point, that officer ran out of the building attempting to keep eyes on Crooks until other law enforcement arrived. The other officer remained in the building, on the second floor,’ Goldinger said. ‘The officer who ran out of the building could not locate Crooks, and he returned to the building. Both officers then heard shots fired.’

Goldinger added that ‘neither officer could see Crooks on the other building due to the visual angle they had from their location to Crooks’ location.’”

That final statement makes no sense.

The windows on the second floor could have been opened. There was nothing stopping the snipers from seeing and then neutralising the shooter from the second floor of the AGR building.

The official narrative is that no one saw Crooks climb onto the roof, even though a window clearly overlooks that side of the roof and even the windows facing the rally could have seen Crooks on the sloped roof.

“So who is this team of snipers? Who was in the second floor of the AGR building? Who was in this building during the shooting, what were they doing, and were they legitimately with law enforcement?”

Was it the same as the Beaver County Team that spoke to ABC news or was it another team? I hope this becomes clear because the ensemble of sniper teams did not cover themselves with glory.

Let’s recap

  • US Secret Service Sniper Teams 1 and 2 had their guns pointed in the direction of the AGR building. Yet, when the shooter visibly moved across the back of the roof, they did nothing.
  • The Beaver County Sniper Team located within the AGR building (first / second floor) did not see the shooter climb onto the roof, move across the back of the roof and get into position to take 8 shots.
  • Instead of looking for a man on a roof, through one of the many second floor windows available, the Beaver County Sniper Team left the building. They went to the ground level in search of a shooter who was reported to be on a roof. Go figure.
  • Once the shooter was in his final position, a large tree obscured the vision of US Secret Service Sniper Teams 1 and 2. Crooks was able to fire 8 shots before being neutralised.
  • Did Crooks not fear being taken out by another sniper team possibly patrolling his roof? If not, why not?

How could this ridiculous collection of events have occurred? How could the timing of these have been so bad as to allow a perfect window of opportunity for the shooter?

NOTE: This was the FIRST TIME that the US Secret Service counter snipers were deployed to protect Donald Trump during the 2024 campaign. How did they perform?

  1. US Secret Service was responsible for protecting Donald Trump. FAIL
  2. US Secret Service was responsible for positioning all sniper teams. FAIL
  3. US Secret Service was responsible for communicating with all sniper teams. FAIL

Acting Director Ronald Rowe confirmed this during his news briefing on August 2:

As part of their advance, they [USSS] identify those lines of sight, those high ground concerns.”


All of this strains credulity.

Judicial Watch, famous for successfully suing the US government, just released the following:

Judicial Watch: Secret Service Rejects FOIA Requests for Any Records About Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump

“Judicial Watch announced today that the United States Secret Service completely denied multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documents about the assassination attempt on former President Trump.

On July 16, 2024, Judicial Watch filed three comprehensive FOIA requests seeking emails, videos, and advance survey security assessments, among other documents related to the assassination attempt on Trump.”

Complete transparency, hey?

The truth is INDEED stranger than fiction.  Thank you for your service ARNGRIMR.

Single shooter but NOT a lone wolf

Here is a summary from the dedicated substack author:

“A single shooter, but NOT a lone wolf. People at least ‘guided’ him, allowing the breaches in security that he could exploit, shutting down drone surveillance, dog teams, guards on the roof, communications, etc, while replacing the trained and experienced Secret Service detail Trump had with visibly less trained and adequate DHS agents, trying to get away with having no sniper teams, missing communication records, a stepped and cumbersome system for relaying messages between the different branches present, the suddenly added trip by Jill Biden with an increased threat assessment, siphoning off even more Secret Service from Trump’s rally, delays in reaction, the incomprehensible decision NOT to remove Trump when there was a suspicious person before he started his speech, and even worse, after, when 3 minutes long police was aware of a man with a gun,… (I am leaving out so much here!) It requires a willful suspension of disbelief to ascribe all of that to mere coincide, from an agency with an absolute Zero Fail mission statement… Not everything in that list needs to be malicious, or intentional, but all of that, at once?”

If you are interested, he has A LOT more detail on his substack, including timelines, more maps, bullet trajectories and analysis that debunks the second shooter theory.

Incompetence or Malicious intent?

Former Naval Intelligence Officer and Author / podcaster Jack Posobiec was interviewed by Tucker Carlson on July 22.  His comments were based on intel from Senator Ron Johnson’s preliminary report.

Some of the more serious transcript excerpts are provided below with time stamps.

38:20 JP: “When you’re holding an event like this … you’re going to have to staff up.  You’re going to need extra bodies, augments, Counter Sniper teams.  You’re going to need all of these things.  An outdoor event since 1963 [JFK assassination] has always been and will always be the most potentially fatal event that a politician can hold.”

39:50  TC: “The Secret Service is responsible for protecting Trump, but they couldn’t even go to the meeting that morning?  This is bizarre.”

40:50 JP: “Local law enforcement was siloed; no direct radio contact because they [USSS] didn’t go to the meeting.  They had no way of directly contacting the Secret Service sniper.”

41:40  JP: “Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement.”  TC: “How does that even happen?”

59:40 TC: “Screw-up after screw-up after screw-up which put together suggests an intentional series of screw-ups, which would have allowed Trump to be murdered.”

1:06:20  JP: “The most opportune building to conduct an assassination … that’s completely unguarded from the roof has nobody on it, nobody thinks to put anybody on it.

1:13:20  TC: “Did the Biden administration, which is responsible for Trumps’ security, allow this to happen?”  JP: “It’s not outside the realms of possibility.”

Who was ultimately responsible for guarding Trump?

And this is the narrative being pedalled.

PSYOP anyone?

True Crime?

John Leake, associate of Dr Peter McCullough on Courageous Discourse has been investigating and posting about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump since it occurred.  He gave the following assessment on Stinchfield:

0:30 “I don’t think incompetence is a plausible interpretation.  I think this was a deliberate withholding of security from the former President and current Presidential candidate.  Incompetence is how it’s being presented is a sort of smokescreen.”

1:35 “Gavin De Becker has published a book on how you surveil an area and do security for an event.

The first thing you do is secure that rooftop 400 feet with a clear line of sight from the stage.

It’s a perfect place for a shooter to take a shot.  It’s the first place that you would secure.  There’s no exculpatory explanation for it.  I mean, just a simple security guard sitting on the roof would suffice.”

Room with a View

The unnamed snipers stationed in the second floor building overlooking the shooter’s roof have been portrayed as bumbling idiots, yet no-one knows who they are and worse yet, no-one seems to care. As John Leake stated, incompetence is a smokescreen; a PSYOP narrative being driven by the media.

Doesn’t this sound just like the situation at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City?

  • Severely understaffed.
  • The specific security camera watching Epstein’s cell was inoperable.
  • Epstein was left alone that night.
  • Both guards assigned to him fell asleep.
  • Jeffrey Epstein got “Epsteined,” sorry, committed suicide.

The huge effort in play now to suppress the truth about the attempted assassination of Trump is simply amazing.  Too bad there is soooooo much citizen journalism getting in the way.

Role of the Citizen

What is now obvious is just how important citizen journalism is to discovering the truth and sharing it freely.  The democratisation of information flow is a key plank of protecting our right to free speech.  Can you image what would happen if governments decided what information is OK to post on social media and what is not OK to post?  What information is “safe” for the citizenry to have access to and what is not?

Welcome to Communist China.

No! Welcome to Australia.

Two pieces of legislation are already in place to make Australians think and behave the right way.

  1. Digital ID
  2. eSafety Commission

The Digital ID bill has already been passed, but there is hope. This is from our friends at CitizenGo:

“Senators Alex Antic, Ralph Babet, Matthew Canavan, Gerard Rennick, Malcolm Roberts, and Pauline Hanson have introduced the Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024. This bill aims to destroy the tyrannical Digital ID system that seeks to turn our society into a surveillance state straight out of Orwell’s worst nightmares. We need your immediate action to ensure this bill’s success and safeguard our future.” Please consider signing their petition at: CitizenGo: Repeal Digital ID!

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner is way over-stepping her brief and the role needs to be dismantled.

Please be aware of what’s happening in this space and be prepared to make a stand and petition your government when the opportunity arises.

The group Australian Taxpayers Alliance have launched a petition to do this.

The evolving J13 incident is showing us that we need more information, not less. More importantly, we need people who are prepared to make a stand to defend fundamental human rights.

We live in perilous times. We see

18 … men who suppress the truth … 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools … 28 … a depraved mind … 29 being filled with … greed, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice … 30 slanderers, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil … 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful.”
(from St. Pauls letter to the church in Rome, Ch 1, verses 18-31)

Trump turned his head to the right to view a chart and that saved his life. That is the truth.

Thank God that “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” (Rom 5:20)

It’s amazing what a simple turn of the head can do. That’s what repentance is; a change of mind toward God. An acknowledgement that He is in the right and we are in the wrong. Will you turn your head toward the Truth?

When Pilate said “What is Truth?” he actually asked the wrong question.

If he would have asked: “Who is Truth?” Jesus would have told him: